Standards / Data & Analysis
Standards > Data & Analysis
Computing systems exist to process data. The amount of digital data generated in the world is rapidly expanding, so the need to process data effectively is increasingly important. Data is collected and stored so that it can be analyzed to better understand the world and make more accurate predictions.
By the end of grade 2
Individuals collect, use, and display data about individuals and the world around them.
• Computers store data that can be retrieved later. Data can be copied, stored in multiple locations, and retrieved.
• Data can be used to make predictions about the world.
By the end of grade 5
Data can be organized, displayed, and presented to highlight relationships
• The type of data being stored affects the storage requirements.
• Individuals can select, organize, and transform data into different visual representations and communicate insights gained from the data.
• Many factors influence the accuracy of inferences and predictions.
By the end of grade 8
People use digital devices and tools to automate the collection, use, and transformation of data.
• The manner in which data is collected and transformed is influenced by the type of digital device(s) available and the intended use of the data.
• Data is represented in many formats. Software tools translate the low-level representation of bits into a form understandable by individuals. Data is organized and accessible based on the application used to store it.
• The purpose of cleaning data is to remove errors and make it easier for computers to process.
• Computer models can be used to simulate events, examine theories and inferences, or make predictions.
By the end of grade 12
Individuals select digital tools and design automated processes to collect, transform, generalize, simplify, and present large data sets in different ways to influence how other people interpret and understand the underlying information.
• Choices individuals make about how and where data is organized and stored affects cost, speed, reliability, accessibility, privacy, and integrity.
• Large data sets can be transformed, generalized, simplified, and presented in different ways to influence how individuals interpret and understand the underlying information.
• The accuracy of predictions or inferences made from a computer model is affected by the amount, quality, and diversity of data.
State website for the 2020 Learning Standards: 2020 NJSLS
State Documents for the 2020 NJSLS: 2020 NJSLS PDF
K–12 Computer Science Framework: k12cs